Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Until I write again..........

Banner that we will carry during our May We March for Lyme 
Rally at the Lincoln Memorial
To anyone that has been reading my blog, thank you.  I have tried to stay positive and upbeat about Lyme and put that happy spin on Heather's health and life.  Heather is a fighter and I am hopeful that she will beat this nasty disease.  The last 16 months have been a whirlwind.  Life sometimes hands you more than you think you can handle.  I have learned to never say "can it get any worse"?   Yes, it can.  

This quote sums it up beautifully:

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.”

Heather is strong.  

Before I sign off for a bit, I wanted to thank you for reading and hopefully sharing what you have learned about Lyme disease.  As I have said before, if it is quickly detected, an easy and cost effective treatment and recovery is possible.  

Remember, each year an estimated 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease, and the prevalence is rising.  That number is staggering.  However, the most mind blowing thing to me is how difficult and expensive it is to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.   

There are two Lyme documentaries if you are interested: Under Our Skin, and Under Our Skin 2: Emergence.  They are tough to watch, but the latest one offers hope.  The patients that were followed in the first documentary have regained their health and lives.

In a perfect world, Heather would have never been infected with Lyme.  Heather and her boyfriend would be like any other 30 something couple working, traveling, and going out with friends - burning the candle at both ends.  Heather wouldn't be dealing with fatigue and debilitating pain that leaves her curled up in bed for hours.  Kevin has been supportive, patient, understanding, loving, and he makes her laugh.  Such a blessing that they both ended up at the same party in the fall at the beach. 

The next six weeks are big for Heather.  She is closing out her residence in NC and NYC.  That requires visiting both cities, catching up with amazing friends, packing, than hauling a lifetime of stuff to Falls Church. 

In addition, she will be seeing two new doctors -a highly recommended Internist and a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD).  We can't predict what the treatment will be, but it may involve an aggressive mix of antibiotics, new meds, herbs, dietary changes, etc. I need to focus on Heather and of course all of the other daily responsibilities (job, family, etc.)  

Heather is venturing into an unknown treatment plan and duration.  We are confident and hopeful that Heather will be better once all is said and done.  If you want something to work, the first thing that you have to do is believe in it. The second step is to trust it, and the third is to commit to it until what you believed would happen becomes a truth.

One of my reasons for not writing every few days on the blog is that Heather has final approval about what I have written.   She is already living this reality, she doesn't need to read about it during her treatment.  Of course, I will be providing some updates about Heather - but I have no clue how often I will be posting.

My future blogs will be about her treatment to help others learn what worked and didn't work for Heather.
Heather is ready to start a new life and career in DC, however she is well aware that she needs to be healthier to accomplish this.

I appreciate all the kind words.  I appreciate that my blogs have been read by thousands of people all over the world.  I am humbled beyond belief.  Heather and I both don't want to talk about the daily woes of being sick.  We have both seen how the media has supported and attacked Yolanda Foster about her Lyme journey.  She is either portrayed as being brave and honest, or being dramatic for reality TV.  

It is because of "celebrities" that Lyme disease is getting more media attention.  I am sad that it took someone famous, but I am glad that now maybe this disease will starting getting the attention it needs for more research money, better testing, and ultimately a cure.

My closing advice for now will be to never take what you have for granted, be thankful for family and friends, work hard and play hard, and pay it forward and help someone else less fortunate or in need.  

So for now I say "until I write again."  

May the next few months bring good health, happiness, and love to all.


P.S.  You will be hearing from me in May during Lyme Disease Awareness Month.  Please check out the following link for an event in DC

Enjoy these cute pictures that make me smile.

Kevin and Heather

Heather and Andrew (best friend)

Anticipating the celebration that Heather is cured

Mom, Dad, and Jesse (we would be lost without their love and support)

live, laugh, love , lyme

Heather and Pearl

Lyme Awareness Patio

Summer of 2015 - living at the beach

Crazy winter hats - they helped this year

My beach bum

2007- What happened in Cabo stayed in Cabo!